The Conservative party did this and you were supporting them. Why should we trust your judgment now?

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Just read your misleading flyer. i live near 3 windfarms in the local area and they do not produce anything like the amount from the nearby offshore array . even if you ignore the visual element we have constant noise when they are operating sporadically. this is loud enough to wake you from your sleep.

the fantasy of the whole thing is that 24% of your electricity bill goes to to subsidise renewables so i can agree with your initial comment that our "bills are too high". the notion that we are leaders in wind power is nonsense. it should read that we lead in paying foreign firms for their technology and then they receive subsidised profits from our inflated bills. Name a British firm producing this technology. In hull despite being promised many jobs of high worth we have a large shed with low paid people making fibre glass blades. this is despite grants being ladled upon the company.

it is constantly repeated how cheap wind power is. if this is true then they should receive the same treatment as other generators. ie bid to put power onto the grid penalty if they fail. if the assertion is true then they should not be too concerned about this. instead we have to pay them an inflated price for whatever and whenever they chose to generate.

please desist with your propaganda.

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Uk politician have no interest in the UK they only see international problems whatever puts them on the world stage recently we had Blair screaming foreign aid cuts would be a problem not a word about the cost to tax payers . we see no plan for growth , no plan to attract high earner . Exporting cash for energy been prioritised over home grown resources , Gas , Coal , Oil, food stuffs importing Eggs why . Our food chain should start with feed the UK first and then building food exports

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The Conservative party is rotten to the core so don't expect any change. Controlled by special interest (Rentiers) and fringe activists (all Nimbys). Totally fixated on 24 hour media-cycle: policy is junked anytime the Telegraph writes a disapproving editorial & MPs glued to Twitter waiting for the next yougov poll to have a meltdown over.

They lied in 2019 by overpromising then just ditched everything when things got hard, defualting to Thatcherism. Total political obliteration inbound. New Party system (with new partys!) are needed.

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Got their flyer through my front door. Don't think they understand that the lack of wind farms being built is not the cause of the "sky-high" bills they talk about.

The causes are as well reported on, and documented. Profiteering energy supply and oil companies charging excess profits - and double charging. The scam of the vested interests telling us we need to pay world prices for energy. When it comes from the North sea, at lower than world price.

Not to mention the standing charge swindle. Wonder how building more wind farms will help that. Or bring down bills. They won't. The capitalistic 'vested interests' only, will benefit from any financial leeway.

The only realistic solution to the problem is to re-nationalise energy (and water) supply. So that we are no longer held to ransom as captive milch cows. Made to bear the extravagance of overblown profits; shareholder dividends et al on top of the basic cost of supply.

And treated by privatised energy and water companies, in the same way as local council's treat those who are unable to afford to pay the regressive Council Tax. (That's a scam in itself. You Tube videos educate as to the illegality of it in it's present manifestation. Check it out folks).

They must know about the £1M subsidy (on our energy charges, courtesy of OFGEM) given by the government for every wind turbine erected. How much of that goes toward reducing bills. And how much to enrich the vested interests even more?

Oh, and it only works when the wind blows. Otherwise power stations supply the electricity...

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I'll be following this and def think we should be pushing for growth a lot more than we have done, especially last 5-6 years

But couple of things. I think there's a risk things like this can be become very down beat and off-putting unless you can show that change can happen and UK is capable of growth. You do need to show the things that we do wrong and need to put right, but it also needs to be positive and show where UK is getting things done'

Secondly, I think the Crossrail comparison is unfair. It's comparing the total amount of time (including business case and planning) to construction. It's also easier to build from scratch - some of the issues with Crossrail was that it did need to take account of what was already there and didn't have a free hand. One of the biggest delays was because they were running parts of Crossrail on existing lines (and only creating a new line in middle to join up) they had to get three signalling systems that worked seamlessly together and would switch, on each train, at the right moment. I don't think it helps persuade about benefits of growth if we underplay the trade-offs and difficulties that brings, but also how good we can be at delivering complex engineering (Crossrail was off a magnitude more difficult to pull off than the relatively simple engineering challenges of Madrid)

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Is Britain Remade promoting more nuclear? I see it mentioned here and on the website but only with regard to what we achieved in the past, and I also see mention of ‘renewable’ (as opposed to ‘low carbon’) solutions on the site.

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All the best with this important work. Crucial we make progress here.

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